This is Anil Kumar, from Madhubani Bihar. He was in 5th grade when had to drop out from his school after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak . He wants to study further in online mode but doesn't have a smart phone and cannot afford to buy one. Help him buy a phone so that he can continue his studies and realise his dream of becoming an IPS officer.
I am Rohit Gupta from Nashik,Maharashtra. I want to continue my education and pursue a three years bachelor of education degree. The Admission opens on 2nd September and the amount I need for first year of education is Rs.30,000. Please help me to get admission and I'll always be thankful to y'all
Our 5 year old daughter Samriddhi Roy, is suffering from blood
cancer(type B).Doctors have referred her to be treated in a
private hospital in Kolkata, but our financial condition makes it
impossible for us to start with her treatment. Your small
contribution will definitely help in our child's treatment. I pray
to you to please come forward and support to save our